In Santa Cruz; a term to decribe a ugly bitch.
Jared-"Hey whos that?"
Mike-"no man shes filthy"
by J-SC-LOC November 15, 2007
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Can also be pronounced simply 'Filf' or 'Frilf' (not be be confused with Father I'd like to F**k, or Friends relative I'd like to f**k)

Definition #1
Fithly is a is a term used to describe things that considered cool by some people, usually people on the dole, or in a lower income bracket. That clearly shows they do not aren't very stylish. Some things include; cheap cars with body kits, mullets, wearing motocross jerseys in town, bad makeup and doing burnouts frequent.

Definition #2 (Often used by the lower class people described in definition #1)
Fithly means that something is good, or desirable.

Definition #3
Something that is disgusting, that you never want to come in contact with.

Using the example of two friends, Bob and Cam.
Definition #1
Bob: Look at that car coming down the street.
Cam: That car is so filthy
Bob: Ha ha, sure it.

Definition #2
Bob: Travis Pastrana's double backflip is awesome!
Cam: His Motorbike is so Filthy!

Definition #3
Bob: I just watched 2 Girls 1 Cup
Cam: How can you watch that, it is so filthy
Bob: Yeah, I get nightmares about it
by MrSafety April 5, 2010
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Filthy A is some nast ass bitch that goes to mattawan high school in michigan. She looks like a fucker rat and i wanna stomp on her head. She likes like my dick with her new haircut. She thinks she the best in the world, but she needs to die. She think she knows peeps from takin back sunday or whatever that gay ass band is called. she can choke on my fuckin dick for all i care that bitch NEEEDS TO DIE
Oh shit here comes Filty A, lets shoot her in the head and somp her brains out
by anyomus December 6, 2004
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One of the most intelligent and misunderstood on the mass-media broadcasting website YouTube.
by itsjust January 7, 2017
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A YouTube channel dedicated to offering people, generally between the ages of 12-24, an education on Japanese vocabulary, develop better social skills, and become the best person your children could ever be. It is run by a single man named George Miller, a half-Australian half-Japanese man who is considered a great comedian, rapper, and actor according to his fan. He often makes educational music videos suck as "Finna bust a nut", "WEEABOO Song", and "Do the Salamander". He was also the first person to make a "Harlem Shake" video, which eventually lead to an internet sensation. Miller often uses characters such as Filthy Frank, Pink Guy, and Salamander to educated the masses.
by Riley Freemen March 9, 2015
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The filthiest motherfucker in the known universe. Legend has it he was born around -1XX1290808$52356% chromosomes ago. He now resides in a pocket dimension home to other deities such as Pink Guy, Red Dick, Safari Man, and Salamander Man. Also works as a conduit of Chin Chin.
by Elo Man March 6, 2014
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This one's for the ladies!

Hide a bottle, dildo, or other phallic object in the sheets of your bed. Then initiate sexytime with your man. You'Lloyd need to ride his dick in reverse cowgirl position. Then, right as he'said about to bust his nut, tell him not to pull out, and that you'll "Casey Anthony" the kid after it's out! When he starts to say "What the fuck???", rapidly shove your hidden phallus up his ass an pull it out like you'really starting a chainsaw! Hilarity ensues!
My girl gave me the Filthy Munchausen last week... I haven't had a proper shit in days.
by Mjolnir12982 September 23, 2016
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