A hot chick who works in the medical/dental field who wears figs scrubs.
by Guy696969 October 21, 2022
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How some people pronounce "figure" for some reason
Guy A: Well that figgers.
Guy B: Figgers? It's pronounced fig-yer you fucking moron.
Guy A: Geez who put a stick up your ass?
by Cockholio October 2, 2021
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Defintion of Figger: One who is beyond fat and is a nigger. Fat nigger; figger.
by hatewashere September 2, 2021
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A nigger that is also a faggot
Wow tyrom is such a faggot what a nigger, WAIT WHAT A FIGGER!!!
by Yeetus mcfeetuss June 20, 2019
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Verb: To fidget when mentally preoccupied.
Dan: "Quit playing with that rubber band and get back to work!"
Mike: "Leave me alone, Dan! I'm figgering!"
Dan: "Alright, I'll leave you to your thoughts then."
by heftymaus November 4, 2019
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When black people act out in a stereotypical way.

A composite of "Figures" and "niggers."
Person 1: A bunch of drunk blacks started fighting at the Waffle House this morning.

Person 2: Figgers.
by Lord Scoot June 24, 2022
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