A teenage girl who obsesses over a "hot" guy (who often turns out being ugly) because they have no social life. A lot of them go on youtube videos and talk about how ugly they are and how (guy name here) will never like them, in a retarded attempt to get sympathy. Most of them can't accept other people's way of thinking and just assume that their opinion is a fact.
Fangirl: (guy or band here) is the best.
Person: OK. Get some real taste in guys and music.
Fangirl: HATER! You're bullying me! It's people like you that make me want to go antisocial! Just get a life!!
by RockMusicRules October 4, 2014
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a girl who claims to be a huge fan of a band but only likes them because the band members are hott. usually has no real knowledge of the band. they are usually annoying to REAL fans of the certain band.
me: i love My Chemical Romance. the song "The Ghost of You" is amazing.

fangirl: OMG!! i love them too!! gerard way is sooo hott!!

me: name another song by them.

fangirl: umm.... "thnks fr th mmrs"?

me: omg... ur so annoying......
by imalittlecrazy March 16, 2008
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Most of the girls on the YM.com Movies and Actors Board who waist their lives on celebrities that they think are God's gift to movies.
Orlihobbit finally had to move to Greenland, due to the increase of fangirls who wanted his body.
by Weezer613 June 21, 2004
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A girl who only likes a band because the member(s) are attractive. Usually associated with Panic! At The Disco, and Taking Back Sunday.
Fangirl: OmFg BrEnDoN uRiE aNd aDaM lAzZaRa ArE lYkE SoOoOo hAwT!! iM lYkE tOtAlLy GoInG tO mArRy ThEm BoTh!!!!!!!11ONE!!!!

Normal Fan: Shut up, please.

Fangirl: YOUUrE jUst JeSLOUS CauSE IM PRetyyyur dEn U!

Normal Fan: Hahaha. You're pathetic :
by Moriah May 20, 2007
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About 95% of the girls on YM who spend their time confessing their "love" to their favorite male actor in various ways, such as making posts that say things like, "OMG im gunna merry (insert name of object of affection here) one day!!!!1 Hes so hott!!!!!!!11 He's lyke walking sex!!!1 Whenever i look at him i get an eyegasm!!!!!1"
I must give credit to Pepsic from YM for the use of the terms "walking sex" and "eyegasm."

Also: If you ever meet a fangirl, it would be wise kill them quickly and dispose of their body in a nearby lake or stream. I highly recommend the use of a hose as a weapon for this type of work.
by Prongs September 2, 2004
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a female who has n obsseive disorder about a character from a book, movie, or a person from a band. Popular belief is that they sque alot though may not be so.
Fangirl:thought to be very ugly and nerdy. while the nerdy part maybe true not all fan girls are ugly. Lots of them don't wear glasses. The books the tend to like are fantasy :Harry Potter,Any Anne Rice,InkHeart,Ergon and Eldest, Mostly fantasy. The movies tend to be movies about he books or even anime movies
by Summer Rose August 7, 2006
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A "fangirl" is a teenage girl that is dedicated to a artist. Whether this artist is/a singer(s), actor(s). A "fangirl" normally spends her time on the internet blogging, tweeting, or stalking these artists. A "fangirl" uses the lingo "asdfgjkl" and "I cant even" both show signs of the emotion "not being able to process what just happened." "fangirls" usually say "WHAT IS AIR!?!?!?" and "STOP I CANT BREATHE!" and "I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!" The last phrase is translated into "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I HATE MYSELF FOR IT!"
Fangirl 1: "Did you hear One Direction's new song!?!"
Fangirl 2: "asdfghjkl"
Fangirl 1: "I know, I cant even!"
Fangirl 2: "I'm totally going to go home and blog about this!"
by littlethinker May 14, 2013
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