1. Sheesh, how straight forward do you want it to be? Break it down into two words: "fan" and "fiction". As in, Fiction written by overly-obsessed fans of books. Get it?

And you had to go on this site to look it up? Loser.

2. Fiction written by fans (durr) who usually don't have a life and wish they were the author of the book they're writing fiction about. Yay them, huh?

Oh, and that's not all. Usually, their writing is pretty bad with grammar mistakes, misspellings of characters (main or not), and cliched events that don't follow the actual events in the origin of their writing. Wonderful *rolls eyes with a voice full of sarcasm*.
1. Harry Potter decided to steal Dudley's computer and go on Urban Dictionary to look up naughty words he overheard that Voldemort and Snape were acting out, until he found the word "fanfiction". He decided to look it up because he had no clue what it was (the loser) and BAM! He realized he's a loser because he couldn't define the word "fanfiction". Kinda like you. Woot woot. Case closed. Next.

2. Oh, but despite the fact that he's a loser for looking up such a dumb word, Harry Potter didn't stop there. He went on a fanfiction site to write his own fanfiction about his life (a.k.a. books by JKR). I feel sorry for him, but hey, it's not my life that's getting screwed up by fanfiction and loser-ish-ness, so I don't give!
by you're a loser. yay. July 6, 2006
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A synonym for plagiarism.

See also: disrespect, creative rape, theft of intellectual property.
Fanfiction is taking an author/creator's work, building on it, twisting it, and distorting it so that the creator's vision is no longer recognizable, without even asking the creator's permission or taking his attitude toward his work into account.

Any fanficcer who claims to have an ounce of integrity is lying to you and to himself.
by nat s. March 19, 2008
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Fanfiction Green is the color of Jensen Ackles' eyes.
Person 1: What color is Jensen's eyes?
Person 2: His eyes are fanfiction green.
by Kitty Sutton October 9, 2013
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The most fucked-up, mentally scarring fanfiction you will ever read. Also happens to be about My Little Pony. The plot:
Rainbow Dash goes to see her friend Pinkie Pie. Pinkie makes her eat a cupcake, which makes Rainbow fall asleep. When she wakes up, she's strapped down in Pinkie's basement (which is filled with other pony's body parts, made to look like they're at a party) Pinkie then proceeds to skin Rainbow's cutie mark off, cut off her wings, EAT PART OF RAINBOW'S LEG- etc. Rainbow eventually dies and Pinkie puts her in a cupcake.
I just read the Cupcakes Fanfiction. I will never eat a cupcake again without throwing up.
by Zapps September 1, 2012
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When people consist on two or more characters or real people having sex and is written as a story for other who agree with their sexual shipping and want to masturbate to.
Man 1: My girlfriend keeping going on about some 'Dan and Phil' erotic fanfiction. What is that?
Man 2: Good lord...
by Windows10IsCrap March 17, 2016
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fanfiction depicting a sexual and/or romantic relationship or situation between two characters of the same gender.

may involve real people or imaginary (sometimes copyrighted) characters.

often referred to as slash
harry/draco, hermione/ginny femmeslash, orlando/viggo
by spillingvelvet March 27, 2005
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