1.Christina Aguilera Beverage.
2.Salty soda drink with cocaine in it.
No wonder so many of my friends drink Coca Cola! It all makes sense, now!
by G-Union May 19, 2003
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A nasty soda that taste like chalk. A highy crosive soda that can disintegrate a nail, and even a t-bone steak. in a matter of days. Also causes Osteoporose. Also refured to as croke-a-cola, joke-a-cola, and corsive cola.
Man: Give me a coca-cola.
Bar Tender: Here, this is all I've got. *Hands man a Pepsi*
Man: I said coke!
Bar Tender: I said this is all I've got!
Man: what kind of place doesn't have coke?
Bar Tender: Go to McDonalds of you want a god damn coke.
Man: *tries Pepsi* Wow! This is really good. I'll take 2 more please.
Bar Tender: You got it!
by Fo Da Shitz August 28, 2006
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a drink that looks like sluge and tastes like it 2. takes EXACTLY the same as pepsi. they are the same thing
fuck coke. give me something w/ flavor, like sprite
by Cola_Sux August 11, 2004
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Ben Dover: Coca Cola or Pepsi?

Phil Mcrack: Pepsi all da way
by Urnan32 December 18, 2020
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A man who jokingly robs shops too dangerously
(Such as robbing a candy store)
Did you kill a man just to steal the chocolate from him? Fuck you fucking Coca Cola Bandit
by BlurBoy December 21, 2021
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