An individual of Middle Eastern descent who usually settles their problems by throwing rocks at things. Can be seen in an episode of Mind of Mencia.
Did you hear about those rock chuckers trying to take out those tanks in Iraq?
by Ichi September 21, 2007
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cabin attendant in the airline industry. So called because they metaphorically "chuck" (throw) meals at passengers.
"Did you see that blonde meal chucker working in first class?
She's very pretty"
by Tex1 November 9, 2007
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Noun; female who offers up their lady parts freely. Extremely Promiscuous.
‘Hey look at that girl, she’s chucking her cat at everyone!’

‘Yeah, she’s definitely a cat chucker
by Golden Knoxville February 22, 2018
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A durogatory term for a stupid Canadian
Chad Kroeger is a fucking snow chucker, AND he has a dumb last name.
by Chadleyturpenkum December 31, 2016
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A Canadian (or a hockey player). Literally, a person who chucks pucks.
Tom Green is a fucking puck-chucker.
by Muhfugga August 2, 2006
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The act of attempting to penetrate your wife or girlfriend with a flying leap from across the room.
Sam: I heard you attempted the spear chucker?
Tom: Yeah, she's got a fanny like a wizards sleeve but I still missed and completely destroyed my dick!
by stgreen432 May 31, 2014
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