Handling your business..since widget is a fictitious word it is used as slang to put up a front"crying in front of mirror naked
Norberto went to the bathroom to handle his thug widget
by Sincilian January 19, 2009
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This is a game that can only be played by individuals who consume Guinness (or similar pub draughts, such as Murphy's) from a can. Only those who are aware of what the "widget" inside the can is are able to take part in the Widget game.

After the consumption of a pint, pick an opponent to take part in the Widget game. Remove the widget from the can, and have your opponent stand about 20 feet from you with their back turned. the goal is to throw the widget as hard as you can at the person's back. Two throws are permitted. If done correctly, a round, circular mark will begin to appear on their back where the widget hit.

This game is not for a weak individual who cannot withstand a sharp pain.

If you hit your opponent's back with the widget, you score a point. Your opponent then gets two throws at you, and if they hit you, the game continues. The game can continue as long as desired by participants.

Honor, Valor, and Prestige are awarded to the winner.
Instigator: Widget Game?
Opponent: Sure. What's the widget game?
Instigator: The rules are simple. I will explain as we go.
by dcooper5 April 18, 2010
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Formally Konfabulator, it runs what are called Widgets, which are created by ordinary people using fancy JavaScript, Photoshop, GIMP, and the like. There currently 3,000 widgets out now, give or take a few 100. It has everything, including a Homeland Security terrorist threat level chart, so I can see how likely I am to die today. It also takes up rediculessly LOW processor power, especially if it's in the Heads-Up-Display. I can even access UD without having to open to a browser! Lazy!
If any Yahoo! Widget Engine users check this out, go ahead and post your tweeked-out desktops. To make a screenshot...

+Windows-hit "Print Screen," left of scroll lock (prt scr).
Hit paste on a document, the picture will appear.
Drag picture to desktop, file will be created.
Open file with Microsoft Picture and Fax Viewer.

Donno for Macs, I don't have one...
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A combination of widget and dinger. An all encompassing term for purposeful items made of chicken meat used in daily life. And also for a light beverage containing chicken broth.
Person 1: Can you pass me the Chicken Widget Winga Dinga?

Person 2: I will happily pass you a lightly roasted chicken wing I’ve just prepared.
by Annavonhordur January 14, 2022
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a device used by the government to unsettle people and make them panic
The wall widget had the historical American uneasy.
by Coop Dupe November 16, 2019
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a commonly used derogatory term used by women to refer to small penises.
¨ me and Brian hooked up last night, and he has a smiggly widget!¨
by respekerorwimen May 24, 2017
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