After all these years, I finally get to clear things up. First of all, I didn't fuck anybody in high school, because at first I thought I was saving myself for marriage. But things changed when I got out of high school, that is when I fucked your bitch. Secondly, now that I am an adult, I do not feel bad about it, I could care less. But let me tell you your bitch may be ugly, but that mouth serious. Finally I am not a tiny tug boat, do not ever disrespect me like that again because I will fuck your bitch, your sister, you mom, your aunt, and your grandma....IN HER GRAVE. So put some respect on my name, because I'm pretty sure it's the name your girl wishes she was screaming in bed instead of yours. Bitches.
by The Real Wes January 29, 2020
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verb: wes (wessed, wessing)
To overanalyze something to infinite complexity.

noun: wes
A very nice person prone to wessing.
He wessed the conversation lengthily.
by hell tying April 6, 2005
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Name originating from the Latin 'Wes My Gun?' Roughly translated it means 'pimp ass nigga'. To name your baby this, it is necessary to fulfil a few specific requirements:

1. He must be black.
2. He must have an older brother with smaller genatalia.
3. He must possess enough swagger to hit on the midwife, when exciting his mothers vaginal crease.
4. He must make sniper montages on most CoD games.
If your son (or daughter for all you weirdo's out there) fulfils these requirements, he (or she) may be called Wes.

Wes is usually a clean shaven man with a tendency to get odt at the most inopportune of times. This however couples well with his love for all things 'D-Money' and his burning desire to watch ghetto movies with 'hoes'.

Wes doesn't toast bread, he toasts toast. Wes has featured in many Hollywood movies such as 'Dude Wes My Car?', 'Wes Wally?' and 'Scooby Doo in Wes the Mummy?'
Girl 1: Oh damnnn, look at that fly ass boi walking towards me
Girl 2: Oh no you didn't bitch, he's mineeee
Wes : Girls, girls. There's enough of me for both of you - now kiss and make up.
by BilalV2 August 1, 2011
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Wes is really nice and and AMAZING best friend. You would be lucky to have a Wes in your life.♥️
Omg Wes did you see this!
by Kinseyheehee December 1, 2018
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Wes is a faggot that gets back with is ex’s after less than 24 hours. A Wes tries to butt fuck his step mother and sucks his best friends penis. He loves grabbing his sisters ass and has had sex with 10 girls . He is white with curls hair though.

You need to get a Wes if you want to have sex every weekend.
Wes is a hoe
by Micheal BurlyBall October 22, 2019
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*Girl and Guy meet* Guy asks "want to go have some WES?" Girl says "What?" Guy says "You know what I mean." She replies "No I don't" He then says "You know some Wild Erotic Sex." *Girl bitch slaps him*
by Rosie&Jaremy June 3, 2010
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A little dick and a huge bitch. Loves gals that are morbidly obese. Often spotted in the handbags of obese old black women during church. A complete pussy. Drives a Saturn.
Bro. Wes is such a faggot
by daytonswife December 8, 2015
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