(v) The act of pulling a fast one or getting over on an unsuspecting friend, co worker, or significant other.
I thought my girlfriend was working nights at her job, come to find out she had another boyfriend. She pulled a wam-woosy!
by Frank Shady July 26, 2010
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how much wam u need for servur
how much dedotated wam do i need for servvuuurr??????????????
by retardjew69 March 8, 2017
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wam bam; when a man fucks a woman in less than 3 minutes and rolls out.
i just hit that bitch with the wam bam
by richy porter June 14, 2012
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Wam bam is a phrase commonly used by chavs meaning stomp on when they are in an agressive mood
Look mate if you don't shut up I'm gonna wam bam your head in
by Jack._ November 17, 2019
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when you shove something together and in a very shitty and non-professional way.
Can't put this computer code to work nicely. I will need to wam jam it to get it to work.
by Wubert Ballin November 26, 2017
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