I agree with Willy Word above.
Jordan is also a golfing hustler's dream pigeon. Massive ego and tons of cold hard cash.
Jordan is a pitchman whore. He'll take the money and run for any crappy product that will pay him enough.

The Jordan I'll never forget is him hugging and kissing the TEAM Championship trophy while the rest of THE TEAM celebrated without the TEAM TROPHY.
Jordan's wife was the only person allowed to be with him, the wife he cheated on.
Bob Costas asked Jordan if she was his mother.
I'm Michael Jordan damm it. I carried my useless teammates on my back to all six of MY NBA trophies. I'm better than Bill Russell, who won 11 titles and 8 in a row, because I'm Michael "God Damm" Jordan.
(Bill Russell also Head Coached his team to the last two. Can anyone imagine Jordan coaching a NBA team, let alone to two world championships?)
by Glenn N. April 21, 2006
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The Greatest player in NBA history. That will never change. The G.O.A.T. The greatest of all time. Who is the greatest player? Michael Jordan!!!!
Michael Jordan.
by Jordan Lover<3(: October 26, 2011
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to be the most overated basketball player ever, and to have kids whove never seen you play call you the greatest because their on your dick from 1-2 highlights that theyve seen that kobe bryant has already done and better
1)man, michael jordan has a small dick
2)girl:hey michael jordan u wanna bang
mj:i cant my dicks too small and im gay
3)dude:hey michael let me hop on
mj:as u can see bill parave is already on my dick
by Harry Doerr July 11, 2008
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The most overrated athlete in modern history. Selfish, concerned only with scoring titles, willing to win if it didn't interfere with his personal glory.

Along with David Stern, ruined the modern NBA, creating an environment of selfishness and showboating.
Michael Jordan is on your team? Good luck getting any shots off! I hope they brought another ball!
by William Wordsworthless July 9, 2005
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In todays NBA, you have superstars for every team that take all the shots. Ray Allen for Seattle, Kobe for LA, Pierce for Boston, Wade for Miami, ect. and Jordan made it that way. He turned a TEAM game into a battle of the superstars. No longer is it Los Angeles Lakers vs. Dallas Mavericks it's Kobe Bryant versus Dirk Nowitzki. Jordan ruined the NBA. He created some sort of false "god-like" feeling with NBA players and it's ruing the NBA.

HE'S OVERATED and in no way shape or form the greatest ever.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is the all-time leader in points, MVP Awards, second all-time leader in blocks, 3rd all-time leader in rebounds, 8th all-time leader in Field Goal %, and is tied with Michael Jordan for most championships won by an NBA player, why is he not the greatest basketball player of all tiem? Because everyone loves riding Jordan balls about everything. He was a great player, but the BEST EVER!? No way!
by Go Backz December 2, 2006
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a statement people use to say that they are amazing in a paticular thing.
jim: yo dude im the michael jordan of halo, noone can stop me.
bill: yeah man you dominate.
by Normal everyday guy January 25, 2011
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The act of masturbating 23 times in a 24 hour period.
Tyler: Hey man, did you finish the Michael Jordan Marathon yesterday?

Mack: No man I only made it to 21!
by Malibu8 March 1, 2010
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