Cockney rhyming slang - as in #4 above for arse. Gary Glitter = shitter.
See Book of Dave; Will Self: woman violently forced into prostitution - "fucked up the cunt and up the Gary......."
by Rikvanbike December 12, 2007
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Loves the sound of his own voice, thinks he is the best looking man in the world and needs to be treated like a princess.
Being a Gary
by Sarahk March 14, 2014
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to coil or arrange wiring, cabling, or similar materials in a meticulous or overly neat fashion.
The network cables were a mess, so I took the time to GARY them into a neater arrangement.

After I was done with the extension cord, I GARRIED it neatly before putting it away
by Bradoley May 8, 2007
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Whore loving man. Loves the easy sluts, enjoys being around them at parties and events of such. Doesnt treat woman right, absurdly stubborn.
Oh that gary always around the sluts.
by beewitched May 1, 2011
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Gary is Spongebob's pet in the show "Spongebob Squarepants". He doesn't talk, but says an odd "Meow". He's blue with a light and dark pink and purple shell with a swirl and polka dots. He hates baths, when Spongebob gets on his nerves, and being ignored.
by Swimmylikessoap September 10, 2011
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Gary, Indiana, the muthafuckin murda capital. kno us, fear us.
I'm scared to go to the G(Gary).
You caint see in the dark in Gary.
by thatniggafrom85th May 15, 2008
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A way of calling a teacher a pervert.

Originated from Gary Glitter.
Mr.Haldane is such a Gary !!! he is always flirtin wiv the girls !!!
by Liverool May 4, 2007
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