A universal question used worldwide for any situation imaginable.
(Math Class)

Teacher: Okay class if "x" equals 3 then what does "3 x" equal?
Student 1: Is it 6?
Teacher: No GTFO!
Student 2: Is it Batman?
Teacher: Why..yes...yes it is.

"Meeting of Worlds Greatest Minds"

Head Scientist: Gentlemen and women we are her today to find the scientific way to solve all the world's problems. Any Ideas?
Scientist 1: An undiscovered metal?
Head Scientist: No GTFO?
Hot Scientist Woman: What about an undiscovered metal?
Head Scientist: Well that indeed may be a possibility. See me afterwards and we'll compare notes and such at my place.
Awesome Scientist: Is it Batman?
Head Scientist: GTF-(catches himself to do calcultions)- My God this man is right!!! It indeed IS Batman!!!
by Giothermal May 15, 2011
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"Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Columbian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad."
-Neal Stephenson, "Snow Crash"

Batman is a higher state of being particular to fictional worlds. In any given universe, the Batman is that world's biggest bad-ass. This bad-ass is represented numerous ways- strength, toughness, genius, etc. This accompanies strong, authoritarian personalities and immense will.
Though they are not usually the most powerful person in their worlds, they are most certainly the Winners. It is nearly impossible to stop one who has attained Batman. Their will to survive/fight/win is simply too strong.
They're known for taking things "too far". This is quite simply because attaining Batman requires that you're more than a little crazy. Sane people simply would not do the things Batman does. Batman even scares the other good guys.
Well known examples of the Batman state: Jack Bauer, "24"; Jack Bristow, "Alias"; John McClane in later "Die Hard" films; Harry Calahan, "Dirty Harry" etc; El Mariachi, "Desperado" etc;
by Battlegoat April 19, 2008
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A fictional character of DC Comics who resides in a fictional world known as Gotham City. By day he is Bruce Wayne; a popular and wealthy businessman that heads 'Wayne Enterprises'. By night he is the vigilante known as Batman; a man determined to rid the city of crime and avenge his parents' death doing it.
Batman works fine on his own, he doesn't need that pussy fruitcake Robin tagging along.

by TwentyFour November 10, 2007
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Sacrificing yourself and your image in order to save someone else's feelings.
In order to help his girlfriend get over him, he decided he would resort to batmanning.
by Whtlightnin September 24, 2014
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Guy1:Why is chloe so mad at you?
Guy2:i batman'd her last night
by Dariuscraven December 30, 2008
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