Describes any underhanded action.
Brad- Man, he gave me 50 cents instead of 75.
Pat- He totally Tennessee two-stepped you

Pat- See his magic trick?
Brad- Ah, the old Tennessee Two-step
by Kyle Mackay-Allen June 30, 2008
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When one proceeds to stick their big toe up another man or woman’s anal cavity, then take it out and then the person receiving the toe begins to suck it
Jack just gave Emma a Danny two step up the booty hole.
by Landonevans March 13, 2023
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When you are taking a power shit from eating too much mexican food and all of a sudden you have the urge to throw up as well. You then proceed to stand up in the middle of your shit, turn around and heave your guts into your spicy shit soup. Named for the famous "two steps" it takes to turn around and the "Mexican" origin of the shit/puke.
Guy 1: "Hey! What'd you end up doing last night? I didn't see you after we went out for dinner at Pedro's."

Guy 2: "Ya sorry man, I had a terrible case of Mexican two-step last night. Those Enchiladas really messed my shit up."
by OldSweatyMan June 16, 2009
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After an inebriated female sexual partner passes out during or before intercourse, you jizz in their hair and shit on their chest. Then you leave.
Hey (Insert name here), we gotta get leave, NOW! I just Milwaukie Two-Stepped that skank! We gotta go before she wakes up!
by Spassmacher April 19, 2009
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a sexual act that involves taking a shit and proceeding to put it in your partner's ass. After this proceed to have anal sex and then have your partner shit it out making it a two-step shit
man I needed to shit and have sex; so I did the shitty two-step
by smallballer March 20, 2009
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Exactly what it states. Similar to a kicker kicking a field goal.

*Note; taco in reference to the female vag.
Nancy took a two step to the taco from Johny for being a dumb slut.
by L to the J to the G June 12, 2008
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When you take a mis-step while being drunk.
When you nearly fall down drunk while executing the texas two step
by creep_nwwf2 August 12, 2008
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