It means to suck toes. If you do not believe so, then look up some old porn. There are titles that are named shrimping and they are about toe sucking. I own one such porn movie on VHS. Do not confuse feltching with shrimping. You will make those like myself that have a foot fetish angry....LOL
shrimping means to suck on someone's toes
by V113 January 14, 2007
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verb. using the spinnaker of a sailboat in a manner reminiscent of a trawl net, as when trawling for shrimp. Often performed for a short time during a spinnaker douse.

Definition adapted from the America's Cup Sailing Dictionary
It looked like you went shrimping on that last mark rounding!

We're shrimping! Everybody go forward and get the spinnaker out of the water.
by 4decker December 8, 2010
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1. The act of sucking someone's toes to give or recieve sexual pleasure.

2. The act of ejaculating sperm into someone's anus, and then sucking the sperm out with a straw. Without a straw, this is known as felching.
"Once that chic washed her feet, i was shrimping all night."

"I fucked that dude, came in his ass, then sucked every drop out with a straw. Man, I love shrimping!"
by CrazyJay April 20, 2009
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While having anal sex, cum in the anus. Then pull out and suck out the seaman with your mouth
While shrimping with beth
by sucking cum May 10, 2011
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A commonly-used word in the world of podophilia (foot fetishism), which means "toe-sucking".

Not to be confused with felching or frotting.
Shrimping - Toe-sucking.
Felching - Sucking cum from someone's anus after ejaculation.
Frotting - Rubbing of penises together for sexual gratification as opposed to anal or oral sex.

Get your sexual lingo right, people!
by Humberttt December 8, 2007
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Where I come from, it means when your having anal sex, ejaculate in their rectum, have them stand up, then get on their hands and knees, and lick it as your semen comes out.
Not a lot of men like shrimping.
by SquidJerkey December 24, 2009
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