v. 1. to draw a great deal of heat and negative attention (even from the unlikeliest of people) to oneself as from a show of shocking mental retardation; to make a fool or an ass of oneself
2. to draw attention to oneself as by devouring food in great quantities in an obnoxiously conspicuous and gross fashion
3. To say absolutely nothing during a group conversation in less it is to do one of the above 2 definitions
Oscar was assaulted by all of his classmates, as well as all of the teachers outside of the campus grounds for the Sherri Shepherding he did during his classes; he made comments such as, "I don't know if the earth is flat. I've never thought about it. I think we all need to go to the library." This ultimately his classmates and his science teacher and once word got around the school about it, it pissed off everyone else as well.

thirty-four year old Verona was laughed out of her third grade class and pwned over and over and over again by all of her friends, as well as her parents, after she Sherri Shepherded on the subject of sexual intercourse; Verona admitted to being a virgin because she "just ain't not know what sex is. It never crossed my mind. I'm too busy trying to figure out where babies come from to worry about silly, unimportant things like sex."

Although Natasha isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, she doesn't Sherri Shepherd or do anything too outrageously idiotic.

Samuel didn't exactly Sherri Shepherd as he was never harshly raked over the coals or even noticed for his moronic comments; I guess he's attractive and popular enough to be an idiot without Sherri Shepherding.
by Samuel Marsh April 11, 2008
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verb -The act of walking into a Chinese run convenience store in the city of Hamilton, Ontario whilst having s note, written with a permanent marker on your forehead that states -"I love cock.".
"I need some milk please" yet the marking on the forehead is clear. Alas a Dirty Sherri situation.
by Dirtee Raul March 31, 2008
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I don’t really like whiskey, but pour me a Sherry-shot to cheers with.
by mam934 June 1, 2019
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A wine for the most classy of ladies. Best served on ice. fortified with brandy for a stronger alcohol content, know to be under appreciated and a "neglected wine treasure". Cream sherry is for those who want to exude charm and class while drinking
hand me another doll and a little more cream sherry please.
by shaneezy October 16, 2010
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Dirty Sherry is a feminine version derived from Dirty Harry. She gives "Are you feeling lucky, punk?" a whole new meaning. She might leave you limping away.

One might have been with a Dirty Sherry if he appears roughed up the next day. Dirty Sherry don't play nice.
James couldn't move the next day after he got a Dirty Sherry from his wife.
by 1motioneye August 5, 2020
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Used mainly in Scotland as a result of the comedy programme Rab C. Nesbitt.
When expressing delight at things to come one will exclaim at the top of there voice the phrase in question "SHERRY BOHL!"
by Edam Keemple May 27, 2009
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The most beautiful girl in the world. Every guy wants her because she’s so perfect. Who ever her boyfriend is, is the luckiest man alive. She likes soccer and is good at it but she misses the net ever time she shoots. She has such a nice bod it’s not even funny. And if she’s reading this just know your perfect and everyone loves you and never doubt your self because your special. There’s no girl like you.
Wow I wish I had Jaclyn sherry

Man she is such a Jaclyn sherry
by King chickenman12345654328 November 30, 2018
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