The member of a group that goes out to get needed supplies, i.e. alchohol, food, ice, condoms, cigarettes, etc.

This person's effort acts as a deduction against share tax, and he/she is usually the initiator of insies.
Mary: We're outta smokes and beer. I've only got $5 but I'll be runner if anyone wants insies.
Everyone: Okay
Mary: I need your share tax.
Joe: Here's another $10.
Jim: I'll give another $10
Jane: I'm giving $20 to cover the rest of Mary's share 'cause she's the runner.
by scifivxn January 18, 2006
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A term for the kids who run threw the halls of high school to get from class to class. It was made popular by the site
I saw a runner the other day, so I tripped him and took his money.
by Cornsauce June 28, 2005
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A girl who has or has had sex with some or all members of an organization (a football team, fraternity, etc.)
Mike: That girl Eva ho.
Dan: How u know?
Mike: She's had sex wit a bunch of Kappa's. They call her
the Kappa Runner.
by Ya Know who it be May 6, 2006
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Verb. Someone who takes a taxi somewhere, exits the vehicle and runs off into the night without paying the fare.
Passenger: Yeah, let me my wallet out.
Taxi Driver: OK
Passenger steps out of vehicle.
Taxi Driver: That'll be 11.50
Passenger: Fuck you
Passenger does a "runner" (runs off into the night to avoid paying his fare).
by Bptuner January 9, 2007
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a person, usually a women, who is homely or unattractive and takes up running so that they will have a tight body to compensate for their facial short comings.
When I saw her from afar I thought she was hot but once I got close I realized she's a runner.
by m m m November 27, 2006
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statement of disgust in poker when someone who calls all your bets and beats you in a hand by using the last two community cards, despite horrible odds
I flopped a set, and you hit hearts on the turn and river cards to get your flush...runner, runner...cocksucker!
by ck64 March 21, 2011
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someone who's about to experience a loose fecal event; a Hershey squirt.
"watch out we've got a runner! I hope it's not a rim shot"

by ShadiR December 14, 2008
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