The insignificant school-related item you don't want your parents to see because you slacked off alot in school.
Archie was grounded for a month after he showed his parents his 2nd semester report card.
by goldmetaman July 11, 2009
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To kill someone in the game among us, and report the body that you killed.
Green (impostor): I found the body near o2! Black: HE SELF REPORTED I SAW HIM Cyan: yeah it looks like green vented Red: how do I go in vents like black did?
by Amongusfungus October 7, 2020
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have sexual conquest with an asian, latino, pacific islander, and african
my friend won 3000 bucks in vegas bought a minority report, which included a room, and 8ball, and 4 hookers (an asian latino an pacific islander and a african)
by hessba December 29, 2011
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The worst f'ing day of the month at MSA because it is crazy busy. Every single one of your nets wants their reports and you have to check several hundred sheets of paper, all because the company refuses to go paperless and thereby save time and money.
by ihateghosts April 17, 2009
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Analogical to "Kirov Reporting" from the RTS series Command & Conquerer: Red Alert. This is the phrase that Zeppelin (Airship) pilot when he is given a command to show his readiness for battle and infinite loyalty to the Soviet Faction. Coincidentally, the pilot's name is a Sergeant Bodrov, thus the origin of the phrase. Indeed, Bodrov will always respond with the same phrase, no matter the consequences.
You: *Selects Kirov Unit*
by alexthechicken May 31, 2019
"twitch reporter", a term coined by popular streamer and Sentinels member Animal, refers to an individual who posts unwanted information about another person in one's twitch chat
"DUDE TFUE JUST WENT LIVE BRO" , that kid is such a "twitch reporter" holy fuck somebody ban him.
by KingCloutXXL August 10, 2019
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A pop culture phenomenon that involves a very popular mobile MOBA game Called Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Hanabi is one of the 100+ playable characters ,and the worst amongst all of them. By reporting her it incentives the developers to finish her rework that is a year overdue.
Jungler: Report Hanabi for feeding!
Hanabi: 0/13/2
Fighter: *Steals the red buff*
Mage: *AFK*
Tank: *There are no tanks*
by CEO of MLBL July 17, 2022
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