one who isn't a noob (played a game for some time), but plays like one
kid watches people run in front of their screen and decides that it would be a awsome idea to plant an explosive= nub
by dez_nutz March 26, 2009
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Last night I licked the nub

Lick my nub (can be shortened to LMN)
by peetasbitch December 7, 2015
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your a nub
by Jguy12463 December 4, 2014
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According to "Animosity", the definition of the word "nub" is:

"nub = newb, newbie, noob
This word is not from dumbasses who can't spell, but its from a game called Ultima Online. A Guild of rollplayers called the Shadow Orcs developted an orcish language based off english, changing a few 1337 speak words as well. Hence, Nub=noob in Shadow Orc.

panze humie, nub
panzy human, what a newb"

However, he is incorrect. While the word "nub" did originate in Ultima Online, it was the Shadow*clan* Orcs who coined it, as part of their invented language, based on the Black Speech of J.R.R. Tolkien. It actually stands for the word "no", much like the word "yub" stands for "yes". See "" for more information on this subject.
"Lat go tu de clomp last muun?"
"Nub, me wer drinkun at de hut wid me tribe."

"Did you go to the fight last night?"
"No, I was drinking with my tribe."
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1. the point, gist, or heart of something.
2. a knob or protuberance.
3. a lump or small piece: a nub of coal; a nub of pencil.
4. a noob
And that's the nub of the story.

You're such a nub.
by KoditheTyphlosion July 17, 2011
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Someone who is a general dumbass, comes up with stupid ideas, causing you to groan in disbelief at his/her stupidity. This reaction is almost always followed by a back-handing type gesture, where the back of the right hand is forced into the palm of the other, making a loud slapping noise. (Referred to as a Nubslap).

The Nubslap is the only known way to keep a nub in line.

The advantages to using "nub" over "noob" or "newbie" is that it has a much quicker, harsher sound when spoken. You can also shout it without it sounding gay (NOOOOOOB sounds gay no matter what).
Nub: Hey mon, we should go to the dollar store and buy a bunch of Windex!
Person: What? Why?
(Nub maintains a shiteating grin while shrugging shoulders)
(Person performs a Nubslap)
Person: Fucking nub.
by SkullWolf November 16, 2004
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One of the many variations to the word noob; a term commonly used to belittle anyone who is new, unfamiliar, or simply sucks dick at a particular video game.

Synonyms: newb, newbie, noob, n00b, n00blar...etc...etc...

Antonyms: elite, l33t, 1337...etc...etc...
nub: how to play?

1337: just aim and shoot.

nub: to play?

1337: go read the manual or check out forums for l33t advice.

nub: manual? forum?

1337: OMG, ffs you idiot. Just press Alt + F4 than you dumbass nub.

(nub exits game)
by Richard Huang November 12, 2004
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