an Individual perceived by others to be an extreme "Muff". One who is performing poorly, failing in everyday life.
"Oh Look! Here comes Joefitch, what a musky ole bunt."
by SirJeth October 28, 2008
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Central Ohio slang for a fucked up situation. Known as a clusterfuck in most other parts of the country.
"My pregnant girlfriend is in labor and my car just ran out of gas. This is one Big Muskie Bucket."
by Shep Pettibone June 17, 2008
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sexual maneuver performed while a swamp donkey is giving a gentleman head in a hot tub or sauna. As the cum drunk slute goes down on the man he must wait until the perfect time to strike. Lunging forward with his hand he must shove his thumb in her anus and clasp her vaginal cavity with his other fingers like a muskie's mouth. Then pulling her flailing legs and torso out of the water like a fish.
Derek executed a successful Minnetonka Muskie Lunge on the Sea Donkey at the Fletchers volleyball afterhours.
by Geo X. October 31, 2007
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When a male wears too tight pants or skinny jeans way too long and develops under cheese
Dude, you're wearing that skinny jeans way too long, you're developing musky moose knuckle
by coach.eddie September 17, 2017
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The act of covering a naked mole rat in spunk or feces, per preference of the partner, followed by insertion of the mole rat's own feces into a man's anus. The mole rat, then consumed by the desire to eat its own feces, chases the turd into the anus through a glass tube inserted into the man's butthole. While this is happening, said partner screams "YOU MUST CONTAIN THE BEAST" as the other man shrieks with terror and pleasure as the naked mole rat is inside of his anal cavity.
Guy 1: My sister bought a naked mole rat recently. Wanna go try out the Musky Mole Rat?

Guy 2: You are a sick and twisted bastard. Get out of my house!
by The Sticky Varmint January 20, 2014
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Refers to Any sized group of (primarily men) typically 3 or more, having sex. They resemble a pit of musky snakes with their twitching cocks paired with the hissing sound they make. (Especially during Dp or Tp as the significant stretch on the sub/bottom makes the hissing louder)
“Hey Tod did you get the invite to that orgy too?”
“Ya! Im hoping to hop into a musky snake pit with some sexy hunks!”
by Kittymotheangry October 12, 2020
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putting a girls feet inbetween your ass cheeks and sliding up and down.
i was so high last night i totally gave this dude a musky feet beat
by quicky tit May 13, 2009
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