-The act of fucking someone in the ass while they are farting due to bad gas.
Dude, I took her out for Mexican food for dinner last night. By the time we made it back to my place I had to trumpet muffle her!
by AdmrlAckbar31 April 16, 2011
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Johnny: Yo, what happened on your date?
Me: I did the muffle shuffle with Margaret!
by Dick Prospersous December 15, 2010
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Tight fitting shorts or pants on a woman.

The tight fitting nature of the clothing creates a camel toe.
I can see the lips moving, but can't hear what they are saying
by Rodolphe May 17, 2005
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When you are engaging in intercourse with a fat girl with a double wide, ran through camel toe. Muffle refers to the sounds made when attempting to eat her out and your face being eaten by her flappy flaps instead, hump because you’ll need extra humph to even reach over all that cottage cheese cunt grossness.
“Dude, did you fuck Grace? I can see her camel toe from here.”
“Yeah bro, I muffle humped that bitch all night.”
by poisoned poet February 24, 2022
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Shorts so tight on a woman that one can read her lips, but one cannot hear what she's saying.
by dalekoprovidek August 21, 2014
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