Martin Bashir's thrice-weekly routine of hiring a transgendered sex worker (often former CNN correspondent and sex toy enthusiast Richard Quest) to dress up like Sarah Palin and defecate into his mouth.

Originally coined by Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld.
Why does Martin Bashir pay so much for a hot marty? Because it's the only way he can get off, and Bill Schulz sucks.
by Gunnar Gutfeld December 10, 2013
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The member of a pair destined for lesser things. A reference to the 80's and 90's wrestling tag team The Rockers. Shawn Michaels went on to greatness, while Marty Jannetty faded into obscurity.
"That guy from Wham who wasn't George Michael was totally the Marty Jannetty of that group."

"Bob Odenkirk was the Marty Jannetty of Mr. Show."

"In the end, Emilio Estevez was the Marty Jannetty of Martin Sheen's kids."
by Perry Normal April 8, 2010
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Girl: "You touch my coochie?"

Party Marty: "Yes."
by partycooch October 7, 2010
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To walk backwards from a person/persons (who are trying to catch you) on a roof top, and just falling/dropping off the ledge. The person/persons assume your dead, but out of nowhere you hover up on an flying craft and escape.
Marty Mcfly escapes the old Biff by falling off the tower, and being saved by Doc Brown in the time machine. Hence the term "Marty Mcflyed"
by Endless1013 November 22, 2013
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A Marty Dog is a tall ginger male whore, someone who really enjoys sex with either females or males, most have unibrows and scraggly beards. Sometimes are crackheads.
"I hooked up with that chick from last night!" Jim said. Mark replied, " Bro, she was a Marty Dog."
by dabombhowie May 28, 2014
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While my teacher turned her back i slipped my hand down my sweatpants and started bobbin' the marty cuz them algebra problems make me so horney.
by wetballs69 November 3, 2008
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Also known as Mudd Butt or party mudd. Direct result of drinking from the previous night... Beer shits
by purplenurples November 2, 2009
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