Its an amalgamation of marathi /hydrabadi/hindi languages ...which generally means "is it?"....
or sarcastically ... "really"!!! just adore ur smile... (sarcastic):hao kyaaa!!
by PK & TM June 3, 2007
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Name for a good person at heart. Always willing to put one foot forward for others. Chinese words of the name symbolizing one to protect and second to being extraordinary.

Always interested in something or has someone in his mind. A goody two-shoes.
An extraordinary person.
by TheAmazingTripplehorn June 28, 2017
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He’s a guy that is always on his phone. Something surprising is that it’s not his phone. He uses other people phones and says he has no data. Most ridiculous is that he treats people as his slave.....
Jane:Yu Hao is coming he wants to talk to you
Tom: Shit I gotta go
by Bruh meme gang May 5, 2021
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Yan Hao is a charming and cool person. He is one who likes turtles and cats, and dogs and animals. He likes bacon and eggs, and rice. He is Asian.
Yan Hao is cool
by Tony man December 29, 2017
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The most amazing guy you could ever meet. The bestest friend you could ask for. He’s so sweet, warm hearted and loving. There’s no words to describe how amazing he is, or how much love he has for you.
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a person who will love you forever no matter the up's and down's. will always make you smile without even trying and cherish you
y/n: omg look at this guy i'm talking to, he's so sweet and makes me smile. his name is jiang hao!
friend: cherish. him. now.
by gundierose December 23, 2021
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