a girl who likes to unicycle and joined the wrestling team ands she got POUNDED ..but she survived, and we all loive her greatly
by ewelina September 29, 2005
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a gossiping valley girl; pathetic in every way; with the suffix spiers, a lesbian; in referance to boys, a flamboyant and obsessive video-game player
You're such a gillian!
by Ron Deward January 4, 2008
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Gilliane’s are funny, attractive, very over protective to her close ones. They can be a bit shy when they first meet you but when you get to know they are soooooooo weird (in a good way).Gilliane’s have a lot of talent, Gilliane’s always say they don’t but deep and in side they know have talent. Gilliane’s always keeps there secrets and promises. If you get in there bad side RUN as far away as you can (just kidding) but seriously DON’T GET IN THERE BAD SIDE. If you meet a Gilliane in your life, NEVER let go of them, they can solve all your problems and always will always be there for you when your sad, lonely or going through a break up. Gilliane’s are the best bff’s ever! Also LOVE animals and nature
by G_dogs March 17, 2019
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Actress born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and after graduating from Mt. Lebanon High School in 2000, Jacobs moved to New York City to study acting at The Juilliard School.

She is currently starring on the hit tv show Community on NBC.
Her unique charm and facial expressions will have you hooked.
actress community Joel Mchale Julliard Pennsylvania Gillian Jacobs
by rockla March 28, 2010
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Bisexual icon. Amazing, talented, show-stopping, never seen before. Hottest being to grace the earth with her existence. Her smile feels like a thousands stars shining upon you. Her eyes hide the deepest oceans and you should see a therapist if you never in your life wanted her to pin you to a wall and make out with you. That is all.
"Who's your favorite milf?"
"Gillian Anderson, duh."
by gothgillian January 13, 2021
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A complete and utter moron lacks common sense and brain cells. Has the equivalent brain mass of a rooster.

Considers monkey wrench to be a sexual reference.

Constantly eats llama meat.
"Your such a Gillian Mitchell."
by BruceWayne October 22, 2012
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gorgeous, auburn tressed, pre-raphaelite, alabaster beauty and talented actress. best known for playing the aloof, skeptical dana scully of X-Files fame.
Gillian's classical good looks have won her the admiration of many a straight guy and gay girl alike.
by dagger_grrl February 21, 2004
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