The hottest, most eerily seductive, most fuckable animal.
Look at that fox... hnnnngh, that tail drives me crazy.
by RenardRiver May 30, 2013
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Motox-Fox is a company that was started 1n 1974. Back then they made FOx Shox suspension and other engine parts for racers. However nowadays Fox is the central company for posers. So many people wear Fox clothing, most people just know it has something to do with motocross, some people just wear it cause it's cool. But the truth is, Fox use to make Fox Shox. Now Fox makes everything a poser could want, from shoes to backpacks.
kc,"Hey I see you are wearing a Fox Shirt, Do you ride?"

Poser,"What does that mean?"

kc,"Oh wouldn't cha know, you're a poser"

Poser,"Umm i don't know what your talking about so i'm gonna hop in my mall crawler and bone out."
by bill cosby master July 7, 2006
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the most evil network.they cancel great shows like futurama and arrested development,yet renew crappy shows like mad tv and the oc.
me:fox is evil! idiot:what are you talking about they show the best show in the world! me:what is it? idiot:mad tv! me:you suck!
by futuramafan February 4, 2008
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The person designated at certain elite boarding schools to provide the campus with drugs. Although others may obtain them on their own, the Fox is the official dealer. The Fox is always a senior, and he 'trains' a junior on how to be the next year's Fox. Although some faculty, particularly those who attended the school, know of the Fox, and may even know his or her identity, they understand this tradition and turn a blind eye. The identity of the Fox is also widely known amongst the student body, but somehow it never gets leaked out to most dissapproving faculty members.
"Hey I need some serious shit"
"Dude, go to the Fox."
by the W.A.S.P. April 10, 2006
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A nice, sweet, funny, caring, energetic, fun, strong, cute, athletic, protective, sensitive, beautiful in the most manly of ways, and over all a person you will fall in love with...Forever!! He is irresistible and completely intoxicating! He has eyes that will drown you with their wonderful gaze. A smile that you can’t help but to smile at when you see it. A personality that you will love and is unlike any other and unforgettable. He is sexy, adorable, attractive, and the most amazing person you will ever meet! He is a person who can always make you feel better! Someone who has no problem embarrassing himself. He’s someone who is obsessed with the color orange. He’s the one that I would take a bullet for. The one that I would do anything to make sure he is happy and safe! He’s a person who doesn’t like chocolate. He’s the one that treats his women with respect, care and unbreakable love! He gives great massages, he’s a fantastic cook, and an amazing best friend!
He’s my Honey Bee, my future husband, my unborn children’s father, my strong and steady, and my shot of whiskey. He's everything I have ever wanted and everything I could have asked for, and so, so much more!! He is one worth fighting for to hold tight, spend the rest of your life with, and never let go!!

The name Fox means love… everlasting, unstoppable, and intensely strong love!! The kind of love that once you find it, you hold on to it forever and never let it go!
~L-O-V-E!! Made for you and me!!~
by 36994311-21! F March 4, 2012
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1.) A "news" network giving you biased conservative views, mind-rotting reality shows, narcissistic assheads and the occasional gem, which they either cancel early or drain the life out of.

2.) A sexy man or more often woman.

3.) A cute little dog thingy with pointy ears and a tail that your mom sleeps with for money.

4.) Your mom
by D.C. July 28, 2004
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A Fox is a guy who likes randy sex -- rimming assholes, and sucking dicks, anytime, anywhere, with abandon.
Matt calls me a Fox -- I don't know why - ha-ha!
by USAF Cadet January 14, 2021
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