"The Felix is so bright today"
"Do you know Felix always shines ?"
"No one can look at Felix with naked eyes."
by Changbin August 26, 2020
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The most amazing human ever. He's absolutely hilarious and makes me smile everyday ^^ he's super good at playing guitar and I absolutely love it when he plays and I can listen. Hes great at hugs and I feel the happiest when I'm with him. I miss him all the time and can't wait to hang out with him again <3
Did you hang out with Felix today?

You must be in a good mood then!
by graces bread October 22, 2020
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-Minecraft god

-gets alot of diamonds

-does NOT get diamonds like vverttng
Damn Felix has alot of diamonds
by Minecraft god 303838284773 December 19, 2018
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Main Entry: fe-lix
Pronunciation: \ˈfā-liks\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin --- more at Lean Cuisine

1 : a person with amazing stature.
2 : a person with a large penis.
3 : an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tensions at the height of sexual arousal.
That guy is up to par with Felix.
by anonylolozl September 11, 2008
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1) A funny guy who doesnt like to confide in people. Felixs are generally small and skinny. They know how to make people laugh but can make a situation less awkward. Felix's arent very trusting as they have been let down in life. They can be quite hot :) But are known to blank people at cinemas.
2) A cat ;). Pusskins.

Kate: IS that Felix?

Lucy: HE's blanking us so I think so.
by LittleRave January 21, 2009
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A nickname for the drug ecstasy (MDMA). Sometimes referred to as "Felix" because the word Felix contains the letter "e" as in ecstasy and the letter "x" as in XTC. Also named for the popular DJ called Felix Da Housecat.
Yo, man you know where I can score some felix??
by Rellik Uzi August 12, 2010
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