Verb. See the definition of Ill. - To do something very well, or "ill" at any given time. Used in the context of rap and hip hop, sometimes it can mean to "drop lyrics of fury".
That man was so eloquent the other night, you could say he "KJ Ecclipsed" the song.

"You just KJ Eclipsed that speech, well done"
by Chuck Laundromat June 6, 2009
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When your stomach grows so big that you can no more view your own penis.
"Man i have to control my beer belly or soon i'll be witnessing a penile eclipse!!!
by weirdweasel August 18, 2008
Foreground Eclipse is doujin circle based in japan. Foreground Eclipse was a touhou based circles commonly covering touhou songs.they were active from 2008-2014 when the circle disbanded due too some disagreements
Foreground Eclipse is legendary
by Somerandomjitt October 30, 2021
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A fat ass person, that is annoying and tells stories that are unbelievably true! a person sooo fat that when they walk in front of you they block the light from the sun. Depleting you of vitamin and happiness.
by king of defines May 28, 2012
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When your girlfriend has her head hanging upside down over the edge of the bed while in the process of blowing you, and you casually place a testicle on each of her eyes effectively blinding her just before you blow your load.
Her: I don't want to see your ass while I suck you.

you: No problem ,I think there is a double eclipse tonight.
by TheArchangel March 26, 2011
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When your butt (or Moon) is in shadow.
It can only happen during a full moon (in which you bend over and expose your buttocks).
Ben: Did you see the lunar eclipse last night?
Gregory: It was crazy.
Ben: My friend bent over to get something but was in shadow because her room was dark.
Gregory: That’s a good thing because she was naked alright.
Ben: I know right?
Gregory: Yeah.
by gregben February 7, 2022
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Similar to teabagging but each ball is placed over your partners eye balls.
"I was gazing at the sun when my husband sat on my face, putting his balls over my eyes. It was like a veiny eclipse."
by Teletran77 April 8, 2010
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