A person the worry’s to much when she didn’t need to
Ebony atop worrying your eyelashes are good
by The other nicks love l.a October 15, 2018
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A big ass piece dookie that plays soft #7
The inside of my Butt hole is ebony
by China black December 21, 2016
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A girl so pretty you would be like omg she Is so dam fine but she doesn’t know it and has one friend who always tells her not to call her ugly . To my friend ebony ❤️❤️
Ebony is so dam fine I can not take it
by Slaygirlallday February 12, 2019
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One of the sexiest females alive. their name is a (porn) category And these girls sure as hell Put up a show in the sheets. These girls know exactly what the cock needs
“Dude I FaceTimed ebony today and I came from the sound of her voice”
by Hornyestboy69 May 5, 2020
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A stinky rat that lives in the sewer, She makes up a lot of bullshit in an attempt to make friends. If you see past this bullshit then you are clearly an intelligent individual and deserves a pack on the back. She is also a huge hypocrite who will call others a rat
Ebony: I'm a princess, rat
Dylan: Bullshit... *Pats himself on the back*
by YaBoiDyl May 13, 2017
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Ebony is a person who can act really nice, but deep down she is a bit two faced,weather she knows it or not, she can be a bit of a bitch and tends to look down on others lots. she is an attention seeker who will do anything to be in the spotlight, even betray other people she is close too. she will act slutty and often pretend to be insecure to get compliments.
1: hey ebony is really nice!
2: you clearly have only known her for one day
by UnknownAdmission March 9, 2020
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