when you watch furry porn in class then you turned it to the teacher then you get in big trouble or expelled
by the Dominick way May 11, 2018
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the two people in 9th grade who have lots and lots of chemistry and should go out because they flirt so damn much
kaliya and dominick are the two people in 9th grade who have lots of chemistry and should go out because they have lots of chemistry and should go out because they flirt so damn much
by kaliya h January 10, 2019
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Yes he is a mother fucker too is a lepercon
I'm gay he says in his head but can't admit it this guy is Dominick gay means anyone by the name Dominick is homo sexual
by GeminiLlama14 March 27, 2017
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A stupid cunt that goes “haha” every time you roast them and thinks it’s a compliment. He’s also really bad at lacrosse and doesn’t have a dad
Ewwww it’s Dominick Winnard, he doesn’t even have an offer from Ohio State
by Jay04 November 19, 2019
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The most annoying Christmas song ever, about the a donkey who helps Santa bring presents to the children of Italy (though many mainstream versions have the lyrics "Italian Christmas Donkey" changed to "Happy Christmas Donkey").

Much of the lyrics are interrupted by
"Chingedy ching" and "hee-haw, hee-haw".

Once heard, it gets stuck in the head for days on end.
Damn, I got that stupid song Dominick the Donkey stuck in my head again. Hee-haw, hee-haw!
by AmyMM December 6, 2008
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Ryan Dominick is the sexiest man in the world, with a large penis (and cock and balls).
Ryan Dominick is so sexy... how?
by CoolGuy4123 November 9, 2020
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dominick mozzicato is the best person to hang out with incredibly good at anything he puts his mind too and has a cock bigger than his arm
damn did you see dominick mozzicato skate yesterday yeah hes going pro for sure
by michael kinky March 29, 2018
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