Is a word for a chubby guy that has lots of swag
Damn youre such a Roy Daytona
by GIANTMAN123 September 24, 2022
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When friend A passes out drunk with their mouth open, friend B deposits semen in the open mouth of friend A. Friend A wakes the following morning and notices a cottony-textured subtance in his/her oral cavity.
After a long night of drinking, Fred passed out on the sofa. Russ had the urge to pleasure himself. Upon culminating to a gooey finish, Russ deposited his filth paste in Fred's mouth, giving him The Daytona Cottonmouth.
by achtunsechzig August 7, 2009
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A female from the Daytona area that is not Sexy, but just barely cute enough to bang.
Miguel bagged a chick last night that was totally a Daytona doable
by Messjess August 29, 2017
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