A very very quiet person
"Why you being a Darius"
"Your such a Darius"
by Kalamari November 15, 2014
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A Darius is that guy who wears dark clothes and looks like they're up to no good. A Darius is more likely to skip class and do lip sync raps on snapchat
Classmate 1: Hey where's Darius?

Classmate 2: I saw him today he must be skipping, oh what a Darius...
by Shape Expert October 23, 2015
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A fucking little bitch that steals all your money by ripping you off with his cheap crappy water pistols and fucking fizzlers
oh no, put your money away because here comes Darius.
by WHAT Saxon August 5, 2019
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Darius is a fun loving, dorky, funny, friendly kind of guy. He makes up funny words like EDUMACATED and claims that the sky is in every direction, because of you go through the Earth down is up, and the sky is up etc. He is smart and is always messing around. He is good at video games. If you meet a Darius, befriend them. My friend Darius can always make me laugh and I’m sure the other Darius’s can too.
Person: Yo! Who’s that funny guy who made that hilarious joke?
Me: Probably a Darius.
by Mal_Mango February 20, 2019
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A darius is usually very tall and generally a dumbass. Very cocky and thinks he is better than everyone. Very conpetitive and hates to lose. Usually Darius's are virgins until 80, when they buy hookers
by Ptraz February 5, 2019
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A dumbass motherfucker who can’t fight and is either gay or bisexual also doesn’t fuck with Andrew tate.
Omg it’s a fucking Darius let’s leave.
by boispeed August 11, 2022
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