Someone who's head resembles a coconut, usually male. Short, dark brown, jagged hair on a very rounded cranium. Coco's usually paired with boyish looks and cheeky grins. Also associated with charming personalities and dry wit. Other names for coco include - Coconut and bounty noggin
Craig MacDonald, Scott Savage
"a great header, using all the weight of his coco"
by Chazzz January 30, 2005
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blow,snow,coke cocaine, a drug taken mainly in form of white powder inhaled through the nose
Let's sniff some coco.
This coco got me sooo wasted last night.
by fi$ June 18, 2005
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Loser/ annoying girl. Kinda cringy no wait, super cringy. Was definetely a mistake. Weird.
Coco is a real dumby
by Charliedeamelio November 3, 2019
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a verb which applies to a situation when an individual lays under the sheets in their room and beats off for 45 continuous
minutes. The verb has also come to mean "filling your hard drive with an overwhelming amount of porno material". Recent occurences have also led to a slight twist in the verbs meaning. For example when an individual only leaves their room to shit, piss, pay the pizza delivery man, or buy some new KY Jelly.
Paul: Hey I am going to go coco for a little bit.

Nick: Paul, why would you go coco right now, you dont have 45 minutes to punch your clown?
by Yipster December 13, 2007
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Spelled C-O-C-O
1.A mispronunciation of a chinesse word for big brother. Which is then used as a nickname for a boy for the rest of his life because of this mispronunciation made in early childhood. This leading to MANY mistaken identities, questions, insults and laughs along the course of his life. Most commonly mistook for a "hot asian chick."
Person 1- Hey you know Coco?
Person 2- No. Dude is she that hot asian chick?
Coco(boy)- Dude...
Person 2- Who the hell are you?
Coco(boy)- Coco...
by EdYu November 29, 2006
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Vagina. The cute, non-offensive, and respectful term referring to a womans genitals.
"My coco itches..." or "Something smells like coco!"
by Bemidji January 17, 2008
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