a badass word in general. There's 36 other definitions on it,so i really don't need to explain what it means.
Use "clusterfuck" in a coherent sentence, and I guarantee you that it will impress everyone around you.
by Spaceman Spliff June 9, 2007
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in computing, this means to have too many computers running on a network, causing the network to mess up, or "clusterfuck"
this is not just for computers. it can apply to computer-like systems that connect to internet, such as Xbox 360, PS3, etc.
Man 1: aww i just got clusterfucked
Man 2: of course you did. you're running 2 laptops, a desktop, and playing black ops on a PS3 with a dial-up internet connection!
by gamewin1 November 12, 2010
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1) a mess of shit that happens all at once usually in a single area
2$ South Sudan
by Dank spank bank October 1, 2021
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Clusterfuck. My pick up truck done broke down at the side of the road my dog died, I done lost my girl and I have herpes.
by Nosenseatall July 14, 2015
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A word used to describe a generally terrible situation.
(primarily used by fans of Sam O'Nella Academy) A word used to describe the deteriorating situation of South Sudan.
by Cyan_on_the_dictionary February 25, 2022
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Originally: Genetically compromised offspring proportedly the result of multiple male partners with one female. Hence, Cluster Fuck. Similar to Stupid, Disorganised, Loser, Tosser. A hopeless case. Sometimes shorteded to 'Cluster'.

Interchangeable with GO FUCK, FUCK OFF, FUCK UP, FUCK OFF, BALLS UP.

Derivation: Military

Also refers to a hopelessly compromised situation.
Example: James failed the public service entrance exam three times. What a clusterfuck! (often contracted to 'What a cluster!')

Example: When on exercise, they were ordered to turn the camouflage net over to be the same as all the others. Pity it didnt match the surrounds. What a clusterfuck (gofuck, fuckoff, fuckup, ballup, cluster!
by sociopath9 April 15, 2009
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