A little slice of heaven ! Mommy's world! And Daddy's boy! Spoiled. Sweet as can be. Stud muffin. All the ladies love him! Even though he's only two (well 2 months shy) ! Lol. Will grow up to be a great man.
Caden is such a sweet boy
by Cadensmom December 20, 2016
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Caden is an attractive male who is not afraid to show emotions which make him even more attractive, he's a good boy at heart but acts a certain way to gain the validation & approval of his friends, he comes from a religious household but barley shows any sign of his belief in god, A Caden's body is typically lean and muscular , he is also into Asian , Italian , Latina girls a Caden will most likely be with one of these races (not in all cases only in some) Caden is also an over thinker and a challenging mystery. Can you handle a Caden
Damn I need me a Caden

Yea girl hed totally be into you


Because your Asian
by BABYGIRLAJX April 18, 2017
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A faggot that likes to catfish guys on tiktok and dresses like a girl
Guy 1: yo i met ths girl on tictok shes so hot
Guy 2: Thats a nigga, bro. his names Caden
by BigAsian_rice<3 April 29, 2019
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A nerd who can’t get a girlfriend but has friends and likes retro games
Oh hi Caden
by Bluntcut January 24, 2018
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a dumbass who breaks your heart .Caden is always a jackass to his best friend and over protective of his girlfriend
Mary: Oh my gosh Tara!!! Caden is so cute!!!
Tara: but he's a Caden!!
Mary:*sobs hysterically*
by creepingitreal October 19, 2016
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Caden- A guy, or person, who has surpassed the limits of man. He is smart and a frickin wizard.
Pablo: So then I was like-
Caden: *casts fireball and obliterates this normie*
by CallMeOlPapa February 1, 2020
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The biggest faggot you will ever meet, he jerks off in class and is so fat he has to have a Twinkie on a stick just to motivate him off a chair.
by Thatguythatcomesupwithshit December 11, 2017
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