What little Hollister-wearing brats call eachother to be 'hip.'
"Check out my new 300 dollar Hollister shirt my daddy bought me, broski!1!"

"Wow man, that's pretty cool, I'm jealous broski, my golden rings are too heavy and my DIAMOND SHOES ARE TOO TIGHT!"
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lilz,Snoopy,Mimiz,Jayz amazing PEOPLE,
omg the broskis are so amazing
by match maker 101 December 1, 2019
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The best people You’ll ever meet
Yoski my broskis how y’all doin
by brianjune November 9, 2019
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used to address a bro, or buddy but trying to sound cool at the same time
"sup broski?"
by samoloh October 24, 2018
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word used by major tools to identify other tools;one who uses this word are usually involved in a bromance.
Other Tool: N0T 4S MUCH 4S M3, BR0
by the situationnnnnnnnnn July 5, 2010
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A alternitive term for "bro" used by jocks and self absorbed morons.
'Hey broski. Whazzup?'
"Just dated a chick for a half hour and spent the rest of the day hitting on new ones'
'Cool i laughed at the losers around the school and hit them with a football."
by Dinosaur2343 May 10, 2011
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Word used by WWE superstar zack ryder. Mean that u r a kick ass MF and r one of the guys. Word used to describe people in the zack pack.
by wise man586 November 15, 2013
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