Alivia has a tight booty. She's the prettiest person you will ever meet and she knows it! Any chance to show of her stunning bod and phat ass she'll do it! Alivia might act nice when you meet her but as soon as you get tight she takes all your boyfriend and steals your cat. When you meet her dad you will a FALL. IN. LOVE. he is the funniest man alive.
Girl: 'Alivia is totally stunning'

Girl2: 'Yeah, but watch out, she'll steals your cat and rapes it'
by Graciepoo101 June 3, 2020
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Alivia likes cats and her farts have a certain smell that nobody’s farts and and a smell could never compare to what it smells like. She also has the funniest laugh ever like when you are laughing and here her laugh and laugh even more and you could be far away her laugh and tell it’s her laugh. She also has drogon breath
Tbhrrrrrr ahhh somthing smells ALIVIAAAAA
by 10293847 Shaniqua1028474692 December 1, 2019
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She'' make you feel bad. She is not kind and not sweet. She hates everyone she talks to and they all hate her back. Is an Alivia is spelled with an A and not an O. STAY AWAY THEY ARE MEAN AND WILL SOMETIMES THREATEN TO KILL YOU>
by Luna Moon December 10, 2019
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a bitch who will break your heart and screw you over and a hoe and she uses to much teeth.
alivia will play you and give head to another boy with her teeth
by hoes aint loyal January 8, 2020
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a white girl that has a juul and smokes too much. she also has retarded friends and dyes her hair all the time. this girl is absolutely retarded and cries too much. emo headass
ew look it’s alivia
by suck my waterlogged toes August 18, 2019
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