An 80's band that teens like me and my friends absoulutely LOVE because it expresses how a teen feels with all the pressure and drugs that you posers put in front of us. It stands for "a fire inside" and is presented by 4 guys that look like super hot aliens.
Little guy: what are your favorite bands?
young lady: oh that would be alot but AFI is my favorite.
Little guy: who?
Poser: oh just a bunch of emo dudes crying bout death
young lady: really? Take this
*young lady beats the crap out of the poser*
by Katerina Stevens May 24, 2006
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all for it
'hey do you wanna go up to the shops'
'absolutely, I'm afi'
by lifeologist February 25, 2015
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look out here comes the afi
by €nrique chikles November 12, 2006
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afi stands for "a faggot inmybutthole". Their music can be compared to the sound of babies being devoured by lucifer, pigs being mass slaughtered, and emo kids crying as they cut themselves to sleep
Emo kid: dude i love afi
normal kid: dude, you think your life sucks? try being a vietnameese prostitute that gets raped every day and has to use coat hangers to perform abortions on herself. Then talk to me about your life
Emo kid: im to deep for you to understand! *runs away crying with eyeliner runing down face*
by asodpfasdf November 30, 2006
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Pronounced Ah-fee
A girl who pops up when guys have stopped peeing in the urinal and sucks cock. She also molests horses and makes out with potatoes.
I advise you stay far far away from this girl.
*guy peeing in the urinal*
*guy finishes peeing in the urinal*
by AfiB23 January 17, 2009
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1) an emo/punk band from northern california.

2) a homosexual male.

3) a lump of stinky, stinky.
guy #1: you afi fan!
guy #2: (punches guy #1)


guy#1: You sure ate a lot of tacos yesterday.
guy#2: I know, I just dropped a fat afi album in the toilet.
by fuckmohammed September 9, 2010
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