When someone gives a blowjob with a mouth full of chewing tobacco.
My girl gave me the best sloppy Dallas last night.
by CoochieMane October 15, 2020
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Giving a blowjob with a mouthful of dip
Phil: “Dude, check out the girl 3 seats over. I hear she gives the best Sloppy Dallas’s in town.”
Dave: “I know, Phil. She’s why I’m smelled by rednecks 5 miles away.”
by Blub1rd October 15, 2020
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Giving or receiving a blowjob with a mouth full of dip.
Phil: “Dude, that chick 3 seats over gives the best Sloppy Dallas’s.”
Dave: “Don’t those give you a redneck stench?”
Phil: “Yeah, but regular blowjobs just don’t do it for me anymore.”
by Blub1rd October 15, 2020
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Oral sex with a mouthful of chewing tobacco (dip).

Source is from a recent McNasty video titled "Warzone: TRY NOT TO WHEEZE!"
Go to the 6:24 timestamp
John: Bro I just had this girl over and she gave me a sloppy dallas.
Kevin: Shit bro that's nasty, hope you cleaned that shit off!
by Dipspittinhillfolk October 15, 2020
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Receiving a blowjob from a person with an oral cavity full of chewing tobacco.
Hannah gave me a sloppy dallas . It was cool until she put a fuckin' top-hat on my pecker!
by AlnisPat October 15, 2020
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