Corona kids (when used in a gaming context) refers to kids/teens who play during working hours. After the breakout of the covid-19 virus most public schools closed down, allowing students to play on working days between 9 and 5. Due to their immature nature the term 'Corona kids' is often used in a negative manner.
"ah man, these corona kids are so toxic"
by lilfellow April 7, 2020
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*Can also be defined as Weaponizing corona

A form of fearmongering used by the US government and the media (mainly CNN) in order to keep the country shutdown.
guy 1: I don't watch the news anymore, all they ever talk about is politics and there Weaponized corona.

guy 2: Same here, i only really cared when they talked that cute kitty video that one guy sent in.
by Sir Beardy May 21, 2021
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someone who doesn't care about the deadly virus und risked the life of 8 Mio people and helps spreading the virus, by not accepting and not following the corona rules.

Same goes for Corona-Spasti.

there is no sexual content. the main word here is corona.
Sie repräsentierte sich als Corona-Schlamper und zeigte ihre Unzufridenheit, vom letzten Arier ignoriert zu werden, mit immensen Psychose-Anfällen, dass heute noch dem letzten Arier der Schädel brummt.
by coolcommand2 August 19, 2023
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When someone without Corona inserts their thumb into the anus of a person with Corona and then sucks their thumb and kisses the infected individual.
Garry: dude she did a Corona berry on me last night I have to self isolate!
Bob: that's crazyyy
by kantip1704 August 1, 2021
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A coronavirus vaccine. Similar to how a light beer allows people to drink without getting drunk, a coronavirus vaccine allows the recipient to gain immunity from the corona without developing the associated disease.
Bruh I really should have gotten the corona light... now I have the corona extra from fucking jane!
by Very high 420 November 23, 2020
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When a government authority or business will go to the extreme and stop at nothing to enforce the coronavirus horseshit.
God dammit, it's a holiday weekend and the campgrounds are closed. Yeah even the forest service got corona boners!
by Dik Hansom September 16, 2020
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When you're banging a chick and bust a huge nut of epic proportions due to being cooped up for months at home during the COVID pandemic.
When the government finally removed all COVID mandates, Denny's girlfriend showed up at his door which resulted in a corona mass ejaculation.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian September 20, 2023
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