Someone you’d like to have anal sex with.
I want to pog that girl over there.
by Astoro1303 December 8, 2020
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Sometimes used as; pog, poggers, pog champ, pog juice, and pog water.

Pog is an expression mainly used by higher classed gamers. Pog itself is an expression of joy, sadness, madness, and H. Pog not to be confused with Daddy (a common mistake) is used as an adjective in both past, present, and future tense.

To use pog you must first have a pog moment, referred to you by another personal. Once spoken by a legend, "To be pog, do pog. To say pog be pog."


Pog is an honor so be pog, and stay pog.
Your Daddy,
"That's poggers dude."
"Oh my god, that's so poggers."
"Pog duuuuude."
"You're such a pog champ my guy."
"That's pog juice."
by Skilgannon1939 August 20, 2021
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People who use this word have no life
by Lem. July 19, 2022
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A word used in Wigan meaning to poke a vagina with a penis. Etymology probably poke but with a Wigan accent.
Had a good pog av ya?
by DubieDoo May 4, 2023
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Reporter: and on September eleventh 2001 a second plane crashed into the building

Osama: pog
by Gavann January 20, 2021
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