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Word bitch word
by Battery#1002 June 11, 2021
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a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.
"I don't like the word ‘unofficial’"
"he words his request in a particularly ironic way"
by pandithan November 24, 2021
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used when you don’t know what to say, also means okay, alright, see you there, yes, and can sometimes mean broccoli, also can be used when people snap you and you want to be dry
Paige: Do you want to go to the elton john concert?

Amanda: word.
Brain: What time are you going to bed?

Amanda: word
by broccoliroger November 13, 2019
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A word commonly used by useless fucks who think they are clever.
Guy on Urban Dictionary: Hey, the line to type in your word says "word" in it. Wouldn't it be funny if I typed that in?
by A useless piece of garbage November 18, 2018
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never mind,just a stupid word,like the last thing thing i wrote before the comma
i literally wrote a stupid word,why are you reading this,
your still reading this arent you
by dasuicidebananas September 10, 2020
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Things we use to communicate through messaging or speaking
I am using words to type this. You are speaking words or reading words right now.
by What’s a pseudonym..? June 10, 2019
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Type your definition here he said a word
by Cdkdmdv October 23, 2018
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