Aka gift store, gift shop. Coined because it separates a man from his money.
When travelling I always stop at the local separator store to pick up souvenirs for my kids.
by DMMsGal September 26, 2021
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AN Internet merchant associated with Mega-CORP. Google, and the Play Store manages apps for consumers, sellers, and various and sundry associated creeps.. their motto is, "DON'T DO EVIL...UNLESS IT LOOKS HOT"... Author note: It is HIGHLY recommended you stay away from ass-pegging their TOS, as they can and will invalidate your Internet life with a snap of their mega-Corp fingers.
HUEY: "Hey Dewey, did you ever look for that Flappy Bird app on the Google Play Store?"
DEWEY: "I would've, Brother Huey, but I seem to have forgotten my password!1!"
LOUIE: "Try 'smelled_of_elderberries'"
by KUDOSFROOND May 24, 2017
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A psychopaths way of saying shopping but changed to flirt the American word for shop: store
Psychopath: I'm gonna go on a storing spree!
A sane person: what the fuck is wrong with you?
by SillyHoneyMustard March 14, 2022
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The uncanny ability to ask an opponent if they obtained something at the toilet store, influencing them in such a way that they proceed to lose the game. This technique was named after consistent use by streamers in the year 2022.
"Where'd you get that sniper rifle, the toilet store?" In this scenario, they would then proceed to forget to reload or miss the next vital shot ensuring their following loss. That is the perfect example of Toilet Store Tech.
by tristonic July 26, 2022
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An antique store where people are trying to sell their old garbage they don't want anymore; factually everything being sold has been drained of all value.
Jon: That is a nice clock you got there David.
David: Thanks we picked it up at the garbage store last week.
by Urban.sav July 15, 2015
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