the name sniper is the most hottest name ever you will be lucky to have him omgomgomgggggg like bro pls marry me sniper hi sniper ur so hottttttttt sniper so hottootototot oooo ily sniperrr
sniper: hey ladies
"omg HIIII sniper youre so hotttttttt omg"
by Shoto_X_Froppy August 22, 2021
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Sniper means to steal something, to rob something
I snipered a cigarette off you earlier sorry!
by alexandria69 July 23, 2023
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A South Floridian term to describe an alpha male who secretly fucks everyone’s girl but doesn’t kiss and tell similar to a sniper hitting a target without being found
Be careful not to leave your girl around T.J he’s a sniper
by GoodeKoby June 12, 2022
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Taking a photo of a woman's box gap on your phone when she isn't looking.
I was frothing pure horndog at the gym while a hottie was squatting a whole pound so I snipered a picture of her butt/box gap while she wasn't looking and put it on the internet.
by Inter-racial Facial November 28, 2012
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when someone/something being really annoying and you want to shoot it.
person 1: this line is so long i want to sniper it!

person 2: your voice is so annoying! i want to sniper you!
by beenty February 15, 2009
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One who is generally quiet during a conversation, but when they speak up, it's always entertaining and produces a big laugh. Much like the soldier armed with a sniper rifle, a Sniper lays low and waits for the perfect moment to throw in a joke or make a keen observation.
Jimmy's not shy, he's just a sniper.
by Beloved Royal Viking September 4, 2017
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One who is generally quiet during a conversation, but when they speak up, it's always entertaining and produces a big laugh. Much like the soldier armed with a sniper rifle, a Sniper lays low and waits for the perfect moment to throw in a joke or make a keen observation.
Jimmy's not shy. He's just a sniper.
by Beloved Royal Viking September 4, 2017
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