Analogous to “Jack of all trades” but a tribute to the legend himself Dennis Waterman. The only man with enough talent to star in it, write the theme tune and sing the theme tune.
They can do it all, they’re a “Dennis of all trades”.
by Gerry Standing November 3, 2020
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When someone thinks they’re the shit but they really aren’t
“You think you’re all that but you’re just the jam at Denny’s
by Yoli March 8, 2021
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A short irretating little Goblin like the one from Community.
"Stop acting like a fucking Dennis Lee."
"No bro I want my dick enlargment-pills."
by Klara Smith February 22, 2022
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A kid who lost almost 100 bucks betting on croatia just to see Argentina win the World Cup.
"Argentina won 3-0, I wonder how Deven Denny is feeling right now."
by Adolf rizzler 1942 December 19, 2022
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is a small human that glues the bond together and is ethereal.
Lol i was bored if you see this it's sasori, dennie mari
by sasorilikespudding November 24, 2021
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