A gay boy that eats pot noodles and lives in his parents house at 40 years old because his 20 year marriage failed because he thought he was Apollo justice
he is such a bog boy
by kanecklesthecentipede May 6, 2019
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1 .A real Swampy Pussy

2. A dude that fearlessly goes down on women with questionable hygiene
1.’My girls pussy gets real wet and pungent, it’s a real Bog Cat”
2.’ My Buddy is a total Bog Cat. He goes down on the dirtiest chicks without a second thought.
by Jeropotato November 13, 2021
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this sad
i am cri bog
by cri bog January 9, 2021
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A large floating turd that refuses to flush.
Don't go in there there is a massive bog otter and it won't leave.
by LizardQueen. June 15, 2019
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A fat, pale, mall-gothic, unattractive female usually present at metal concerts, Hot Topic, anime conventions and role-playing seminars. Typically outfitted in those stupid goth chain pants and excessive body odor. Also a name for any fat female.
Whoa that Bog Wench gets 2D6 armor saves when she listens to Nightwish!

My fat neighbor is such a bog wench!
by Mag1ci4n December 19, 2007
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A large maggot-like animal seen on the planet of Bogano.
Cal Kestis: Those bog rats. I hate them.
BD-1: *weird beeping noises*
by visaa pizaa June 20, 2024
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