A polite informal name for one’s scrotum sack
Ian‘s Bollock wallet looked like a shaved baby bird
by PContheGC October 27, 2021
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A person (usually a dumb man either in love or trying real hard to get some) whose spending capability is ENDLESS!!!
That asshole had the nerve to tell me that he would take me to Hawaii if I didn't tell his wife that he fucked me!!! You know how much that shit costs?!?! Go SUPER WALLET!!!
by Sexy Trini Diva March 17, 2005
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No they aren’t. They are just regular wallets but with velcro
Guy 1: hey dude let me pay for dinner
Guy 2: thanks dude
Guy 1: pulls out Velcro wallet
Guy 2: you have a Velcro wallet? Velcro wallets are bad. And they are childish too.
Guy 1: no they aren’t. They are just regular wallets but with Velcro
Guy 2: yeah, I’m sorry, you are right.

Guy 3: pulls out ziplock bag with money inside
Guy 2 & guy 1: wtf
by PokerMaster64 November 27, 2021
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When a person's wallet is filled with mostly singles, like a stripper's wallet would be.
Person 1: Lets grab something to eat.
Person 2: I might not have enough money, I have a stripper's wallet right now.
by TheLegendIsRedBaron April 1, 2014
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Cloud 2.0 Smart Mobile Wallet can store different underlying technologies such as BTC, ETH, DOGE, XRP, LTC, EOS, etc., to achieve one-stop storage management for multiple currencies.
Cloud token wallet is simple and easy to operate, with hundreds of compression tests, powerful anti-theft technology to maximize the security of digital assets.
by Cloud Token Wallet January 8, 2020
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An English Wallet refers to a woman who has a husband or boyfriend but cheats with another person and gets an STD. The ‘colonizing’ infection ruins the wallet for its indigenous person
Did you hear about Becky? She has an English wallet…Dave gave her AIDS.
by Not that Steve, the other one January 20, 2023
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Wallet wanker- a rich Jewish person known for bieng rich and bragging about it.
"You know that Howard kid he's such a wallet wanker"
by TheHammockMan March 29, 2016
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