A girl who has a golden skin color and a nice booty
Save that twinkie for me *licks lips*
by thatguywhosright July 19, 2015
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A young teenager who is not very knowledgable. Someone who is easily led and very gullible. A Noobie if you will.
"Hey who is up the street?"
"A bunch of Twinkies"
"Hey maybe they'll get us drunk, fuckin twinkies!"
by Your Mothers Mom January 17, 2006
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a random nickname that has no association with the snackfood or asians

Was thought up randomly and has no correlation with anything
person A walks up to person b.
Person A: Hey Twinkie!
Person B: Hey! What's up?
by twinkie July 7, 2004
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He has a guy crush on Edward Cullens in the movie Twilight. He's such a twinkie!
by lilac97 November 23, 2009
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See the twinkie. See the twinkie run. Run, twinkie, run! The real azns are coming to kick your ass!
by Flargisblarg November 25, 2003
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