this fabulous word is used only by madies cos madies are cool , this is now only a word for them
proper snazzy that is
by snazzy37183728 January 11, 2021
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you are looking pretty fantastic like someone named megan
wow you are looking awfully snazzy today
by wordmeisteryo December 18, 2013
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"Snazzy" means cool, or good. Commonly used by those hipster girls in year seven, when they describe the Flume concert last night or someone's hair.
Saying this word is basically social suicide.
Hipster Year Seven: Hey, did you see those tights I got from H&M?

Other Hipster Year Seven: Yeah! They were sooooo snazzy!
Everyone Around Them: *groans and rolls eyes*
by Xander F March 30, 2013
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Something good or amazing.
A good alternative to use instead "cool beans" or the like
Bri "did you catch that episode of game of thrones last night"
Matt "yes it was totally snazzy onions"

"that new song is snazzy onions"

Dad "What did you think of dinner tonight"
Me "snazzy onions"
by kiwi_in_melb April 4, 2019
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Used when in a agreement with a statement or idea
Maggie: We can go to my house...?
Natalie: Snazzy Dazzy!
by NatalieMaggie October 12, 2016
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When you don’t know what to say and your so overwhelmed with joy you say snazzy bougie.
Hey Jeff did you hear that bob went to England for his birthday?

Bob “no way Jeff he always wanted to go there that’s so snazzy bougie
by Allenah January 12, 2021
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