The act of one formulating his/her persona and adjusting it thereof to cause the opposite sex to more sexually attracted to him/her.

An example of one "pimpin'" it:

"Ladies, ladies, how are you all doin'? It's hot in here, but you still look fine! Go'damn!"
by Fisherman\'s Friend March 29, 2003
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A man who acts as a prostitute's manager. They often claim much of the money that the prostitutes earn, saying that it's legititmate since they "protect the prostitutes from harm." The "protection" is a lie, since pimps are known to be physically and/or mentally abusive to the prostitute(s) and often encourage them to take up drugs, so that addiction will keep them dependant on their pimp.

Pimps are known to "befriend" girls and women who are runaways and/or are doing poorly, promising comfort... thus luring more women into the hellhole of prostitution.

Strangely, in sexually liberal countries, where prostitution is legal, the power of pimps is greatly reduced, thus giving prostitutes more freedom.
"I be pimpin'!"

What is that supposed to mean? Pimps are evil; pimping is at the expense of women. A pimp is far from a heroic or glorious person.
by Lorelili February 17, 2006
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1)something badass or new and fresh.
2)a male who uses females to make money to buy more ho's and in turn blows that money on gold lining for his shoelaces.
"those ho's over there are just askin' to be pimped"
by dick April 12, 2003
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Believe it or not--and I'm totally serious about this--the word "pimp" is used by medical students to describe something their so-called instructors/ mentors/ attending physicians routinely do to them: namely humiliate the student by publicly quizzing him or her on medical facts, usually trivial ones, with the goal of demonstrating the instructor's own magnificent knowledge. Etymology unknown.
That fucker chief resident pimped us for a half-hour on multiple endocrine neoplasia, the most irrelevant zebra on earth, with a big shit eating grin on his face, even though he's a clumsy surgeon who I once saw stitch through the adventitia of the renal artery. Dumb-ass.
by redhen October 31, 2006
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As an adjective: If somethin' is pimpin', it's pretty darn cool. It's probably something "normal" that's tricked out ghettolicious and gawdy.
Basically, you look very ghettofab and blingbling.

However, as a verb
1.) to pimp something out is to *make* it look very ghettofab and all that nifty stuff in the above paragraph.
2.) to pimp is to advertise (generally, in an enthusiastic sense) or to call attention in order to bring acclaim to something; to promote.
Somebody buys some hideous plaid pants and then adds about five pounds of metal chains ... well, that's pimpin'.

A friend creates a collage of ... Angelina Jolie's various tattoos ... you pimp the collage to others, so that they'll see her work.
by karen.elizabeth March 20, 2004
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1. (verb) To consort with multiple women.
2. (noun) One who consorts with multiple women, running a business in which the women sell their bodies for the profit of both themselves and the pimp.
1) Check it dawg, I be pimpin' da hoes.
2) Mah nigga Jacquan be da tightest pimp in da wes' side.
by reyflyinfury619 April 26, 2003
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This is an acronym for ''Profit In My Pocket''. This is the true and only meaning.
I'm the pimp here so listen!
by Nicxtrem99 August 21, 2013
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