A very aesthetically pleasing female arse, reserved only for use by males when regarding females.
"She is fiiiiine, big ol' round titties and an ass like a 10 year old boy."
by Fooliotic September 11, 2005
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Reffering to the police. It does this by taking the saying "police are pigs" And relating it to someone that has pigs: old McDonald.
"Why dont you have your car?"
"Old McDonalds Boys impounded it."
by Your mother>@$%^&465 August 17, 2007
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A person who reflects on the past by constantly listening to 1930's music and binge watching "I love Lucy" in their freetime.
My friend is nothing but an Old timey Boi
by Bastion Boi69 October 24, 2018
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An old tec boy is normally a very dark and handsome boy who attends the school of San-Fernando West Secondary also known as old tec.These boys usually reject the girls in their school as they think that they can do better.On the mornings you can find the athletic ones playing cricket on the compound but no one seems to be bothered by the sweat because it is on their very sexy foreheads.On evenings you can find them scavenging for girls in asja and modsec.While they are intelligent boys they may be very thusty.But as the asja boys learnt ,we should never underestimate an old tec boy cause they can steal your girl.Some of these old tec boys who have a very high ego may find them self tackling the very arrogant but beautiful convent or naps girl.Even though these boys may seem like bad influences with their alcohol drinking on school compound they can be very sweet once you get to know them.
"Dem old tec boys have rel ass"
by Convent girl April 21, 2017
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Describing a woman with slim hips and small, perky buttocks
That Olympic swimmer had an ass like a ten year old boy
by mattiej January 8, 2011
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*40-50 year old man with bear guy or barrel chest, sometimes both
*Owns and over wears a pair of white cargo shorts
*Almost always shirtless
*Respects beer more than women
*Owns a Bow Flex or some other as seen in tv work out bench
Charles: "Is dad ready yet?"
Mary: "he won't change out of those shorts and says he won't put on a shirt till he finishes his beer."
Charles: "He really is an old fuck boy."
by Ocdove April 21, 2016
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a boy who prefers to go watch a movie or a good dinner instead of one night stands

In my personal definition a Old school Lover Boy is a near perfect guy to find. Charming, Romantic and loyal
OSLB: Im a old school lover boy

Girl 1: Oh. You that kind of a boy

Girl 2: the most perfect boy and dreamy to find
by Incognitolover October 8, 2021
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