Non-Binary is a gender often put under the transgender umbrella. It is often disregarded and those who identify as non-binary are belittled. Non-Binary people do not identify as male or female. Some are more feminine or masculine but most present themselves pretty androgynous. They often use they/them pronouns.
NB person: mom, dad, I'm non-binary.
Mom: Wait what does that mean?
NB person: I'm not male or female.
by Eden~Nico~Kai May 27, 2019
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Nonbinary people are not a trend or a fad
It's just when someone is not a boy or a girl

Also, a way of describing awesome people who like frogs, use nouns for names, and listening to Cavetown.
Person 1: Are you a girl or a boy?
Person 2: I'm annoyed.
Person 1: But are you a girl or a boy?
Person 2: As I just said, I'm annoyed.
Person 1: Well, what's in ur pants?
Person 2: Soon it'll be a gun if you don't shut up.
Person 1: Ok fine. I'll shut up.

Non binary strugglers am I right?
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Yes, we exist, someone who goes by They/Them pronouns, Non-binary is a blanket term for Genderfluid, Genderqueer, Questioning etc. We don't feel right in either binary gender pronouns (ie. She/Her He/Him) and if you don't understand that then that's ok I guess, but please be nice to us, we're sad
"so youre a boy?"
"No, Non-Binary, they'them pronouns"
"Ok cool"
by h0m0s3xu@L October 2, 2019
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A person who identify's as male or female, someone who is valid. An umbrella term.
It isn't fake, THEY aren't doing it for attention, it is not a mental illness, we are not "special snowflakes", our pronouns are they/them, WE ARE VALID!!!! If you still don't understand, google it or something,
person 1: "what are your pronouns?"
person 2: "they/them, I'm non binary"
by Short Non Binary December 9, 2019
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Someone who doesn't identify as male or female. This doesn't mean they change their femininity or masculinity, it just means they feel uncomfortable about their gender and don't feel like any other gender is their gender. They mostly use they/them pronouns, but some people go by pronouns they make. Their pride flag has yellow at the top, white underneath, purple below that, and black at the bottom.
Person 1: "Wow, she's hot!"
Person 2: "They're non-binary, dude."
Person 1: "HECK."

"I use she/shem pronouns."
"I use z/zem pronouns."
"I use they/them pronouns."
by psyeyey July 6, 2019
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A person born of any sex who fells they don’t fit into the gender binary

Now non binary does NOT mean that this person uses they/them pronouns although many non binary people use they/them pronouns, pronouns do not equal gender

Non binary is also used as a umbrella term for anyone who is trans but not in the gender binary for example: agender demigirl demiboy intersex and many more are genders under the non binary umbrella
This is my friend they are nonbinary they use they/them pronouns please respect their pronouns

This is my friend she is non binary she uses she/her pronouns please respect her pronouns

This is my friend he is in the non binary umbrella they are a Demiboy he uses he/they pronouns
by Your lgbtq+ Human May 23, 2021
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A term used for a person who doesn’t identity with any gender.
Person A: hey what are your pronouns?
Person B: thank you for asking, they/them, I’m non-binary.
by Cuteness_Overload- October 17, 2019
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